
Stefan Palios
Stefan works with entrepreneurs, enterprises, and governments to tell their story, educate their community, and build movements. He is author of the business book The 50 Laws of Freelancing.
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Chance Taken
Head of Community, Plumia at SafetyWing
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Leanna Lee
Leanna Lee is a future of work and wellbeing writer and mental health advocate with lived experience. She co-hosts Bettermental, a small business wellness and growth podcast.
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Jesse Norton
Jesse Norton is a writer and editor working with governments, banks and technology companies. A digital nomad since 2014, he has a special interest in the history and future of Southeast Asia.
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Sabrina Faramarzi
Sabrina Faramarzi is a data journalist and trend analyst, founder of the digital storytelling studio Dust In Translation, and co-founder of an arts activist collective called Feminist Internet.
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